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   Friedrich Haller - Englischsprachige Lyrik ...

Autor: Friedrich Haller
Titel: »Englischsprachige Lyrik. Werkgetreue Übertragungen - Zweisprachige Ausgabe -«

The translation of literature into another language is both an art and a craft. Every craftsman has to know his material and have the skill to work on it with familiar tools. Art enters when the translator goes beyond the literal version to produce an equivalent which corresponds to the original but now exists as an aesthetic object in its own right. [...] Perhaps these new translations by Friedrich Haller will exert their own influence on German poetry of this later and so different period.
Aus dem Vorwort von Idris Parry

Werkgetreue Übertragungen einzelner Gedichte von William Shakespeare; William Blake; John Keats; Alfred, Lord Tennyson; Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; William Butler Yeats; Robert Bly.

Einzelpreis: 11,00 EUR
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